In 2013, this completed project in collaboration with Dr. Dominic Marner (School of Fine Arts and Music, University of Guelph, Canada) and Dr. Ronald Hawker (Alberta College of Art and Design, Calgary, Canada) involved using the FARO 3D laser scanner to scan the crypt at Ripon Cathedral in North Yorkshire. Ripon Cathedral is a beautiful, ancient church with a history reaching back to the 7th Century. The team explored the vernacular architectural mass and space reproduced in digital form, its per formative and symbolic analysis, and its use as an educational tool. The results were presented at the CAA conference aimed at professionals in both medieval studies and in VR design. In the future, I will explore the design of a traveling virtual reality exhibition based on the immersive experience at ICAT. Collaborators include Thomas Tucker (College of Architecture & Urban Studies); Dr. Dominic Marner (Associate Director of the School of Fine Arts and Music, University of Guelph, Canada); Dr. Ronald Hawker (Associate Head, School of Critical and Creative Studies, Alberta College of Art and Design, Calgary, Canada).
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